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Old 07-16-2008, 04:02 PM   #6
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the 2005 is the first year of the new "look". which I like a lot. I think the 986 looks great...but I think the 987 has a newer more modern look which I prefer...but if I was going to save a lot of money to get a 986 - still under warranty...i'd opt to save money and get the 986. I don't "have to have" a 987.

my wife REALLY likes the 987. she thinks it's a night/day difference in the look/feel of the interior..and I know if it comes down to almost equal dollars - she will want to get a 987 base over a 986 S.

I have been very happy driving my dad's 2000 base which is only 217 hp. he does have the 18" wheels, with the M030 suspension package and I LOVE how his car handles. my #1 goal is to get a car that handles like HIS. his is super feel every bump in the road..and it corners TOTALLY FLAT..I mean I know there is *some* roll..but compared to most other cars, even other 986's I"ve driven, it feels much stiffer.

so my goal is to get a car and make it handle like his. if that means adding M030 to whatever car I buy - so be it. mabye the newer cars like 987s...or the 986S models have a suspension that is stiffer/higher performance...similar to what was coinsidered "Upgraded' when he bought his car...

i'm less concerned with power - more concerned with handling and looks and the feel of the car. i assume if i'm happy with his 217hp versino, then a 240 or 245 version..heck even a 2003 base with 228 might be more than enough for me.

i was cross shopping an s2000 at one point...and compared to THAT...anything has more torque and feels fast...

i'm going to test drive an S and see if I cant' live w/out it.

are there many things STANDARD n a 986 S that I would NOT expect to get on a 987 base?
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