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Old 06-12-2008, 08:09 AM   #4
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No I didn't wet sand the roll bar...the bar itself already has imperfections like weld joints..I figure it would be hard to buff out all those curves. The clear comes out shiny when you spray it. The only reason to wet sand it is to remove imperfections in the paint and make it like glass. Just a note: No car comes from the factory wet sanded.

Yes you can paint plastic parts. You have a couple of options on paint.

Make sure to follow these instructions or it will peal.

1. Remove the part
2. Wash with dish soap and warm water
3. Make sure the part is completly dry
4. Wipe down with a wax & grease remover it is important not to touch the part with your fingers after you wipe it down beacause you will get the oil from your fingers on it and the paint will not stick.
5. USE an adhesion promoter.DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP!!!! I like BullDog brand [IMG][/IMG]
6. Spray out your part with paint of choice

Paint options: You can have a body shop match your paint and put it in a spray can. They also stock a lot of interior colors in premade colors from dupli-color.

Now one of my favorite paints is Dupli-color vinl any fabric dye....(You can get this stuff at almost any autopart shop) this is what I used to spray my center console 3 years cant even tell it has been painted and it still holding up great.

I also sprayed the door handles and covers (Note: ash tray and pocket lids were a 2 stage silver with a clear)

This paint is very thin it is more like a dye. It is hard to run and has great adhesion. I would sugest you use this product [IMG][/IMG]

The only thing is if the color is right......if not go to a auto body shop supplier and have them put your color of choice in a can for you.

If you have them put it in the can you have 2 options a single stage paint ( no clear coat) or a 2 stage (Base color & clear coat)......this is what I used for the roll bar beacause I really wanted it to shine. I would sugest you just use a single stage for interior plastic parts. anything metal.....or want to look like metal (ash tray)... I would use a 2 stage. If you need more advice just ask I'm happy to help.
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