Thread: Radar Detectors
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Old 03-10-2005, 05:47 PM   #24
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RandallNeighbour: I don't knowo if this is any longer true, but my understanding was that the jammers were only legal if they modified an FM signal in some way. Basically, it is illegal to transmit any form of radio wave (radar in the speeding context is a generic term that incorporates a wide range of wavelengths - hence the X through Ka bands, and the so called laser in the invisible spectrum) without a radio license. Now I understood that the jammers worked by detecting a radar signal and then adding an FM chirp to it so that what is reflected is perceived as garbage by the cop's detector. Seems to make sense when you consider the laws involved.

However, a friend of mine has a Phazer (in an Explorer incidentally, but that is another story) and the entire time he was driving behind me I was receiving a very stong signal from him. I let him pass and the V1 showed him moving to the side then to the front. So, I conclude from this and other observations on the road that the jammers are actively broadcasting a signal on the Ka band, the same band as instant on.

Why no one has decelared this illegal beats me? The conspiracy theorist in me suggests that the authorities are actually welcoming this as it must surely be generating far more false positives than the innumerous automatic door openers at the Walmarts and gas stations which now litter the X and K band. Also, why haven't Valentine responded with a jammer?
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