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Old 03-11-2008, 07:16 PM   #13
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Problem Solved

I have had the same prloblem and this is what I have done to fix the problem. I have a 2002 boxster S. The problem that you are having is the same as mine. If your alarm beeps two times when you lock the car then alarm has sensed a problem with one or more items that it needs to lock. First work you way around the car after locking the car. I started with the gas cap and right away I noticed that this wouldn't lock. With a little work I was able to fix this my make sure that the locknig mechanism was moving the rod when it locked. It was stuck and I just used plyers to unstick it and from then on it locked properly. I then locked the car and heard the beep again. Hmm... I then tried open the passenger door and it was locked. I checked all doors and hoods and everything was locked. However, I noticed that after locking the instruments were showing the red dot on the lock button. This now meant some sensor had gone bad. Now I knew that if the car beeped then a sensor must be bad. For the interior the sensors located in each door and in the latch of the convertable top. In the exterior the sensors are located in each of the hoods. I now unlocked my car and tried to open the door and couln't get the door to open. The window was not dropping; however all the parts were able to unlock. Now I knew that there was something wrong with the door sensor or the latch that is used to open the door. Now investigated on the web and discovered that both of these items I could not fix because they are only coded by the dealership. I took it to my local dealership and he informed that door latch and the sensor in it was not working properly and replaced it. This fixed my problem, but I was able save some money by fixing the gas cap before I went to the mechanic. I hope this helps you. The cost of this repair at my dealership was $500.
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