"How about you ask TTP to show us their finding's? Surely they tested the stock components so they could improve on 100's of Porsche engineers work (partially being sarcastic) I just get tired of the BS claims by armchair engineers who make something for our cars and never thoroughly test it.. but release it. Kinda like MickeySoft."
Good point, I was quite suprised to what claims were made by many companies for performance enhancements to our cars. I think the TTP intake I am using was really designed for their twin turbo mod, which could use the higher flow rate that the intake provides.
Based on my experience, TTP seems to be making pretty reasonable claims for their performance enhancing products. They say you should get about 25hp when you use the combination of their intake, exhaust and chip. Those numbers are pretty much what I got on the dyno when I added them all to my car.
That beign said, in hindsight, I would be suprised if the stock intake on 2.7L cars offers much restriction in airflow, even if cars are fitted with modified exhaust systems, but it sure sounds sweet....