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Old 02-25-2008, 12:23 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by cbenitah
How do I make sure to get the Urethane? Buy from NR Auto? Precision did not have this Bumper..

Oh Me Want it now..... :troll:
Precision has it. They only seem to be selling them on ebay right now. It's not shown on their web site. They really need to update that site. It has not been changed in over 2 years. He even asked me to send him some pictures, so you may be seeing mine on his web site or on ebay soon. Call Precision and ask for Tony - Aka - Anthony. Tell him you saw the 997 GT-3 bumper on ebay starting the bid at $750.00 plus $90.00 for shipping. That's what I got mine for. NR Auto has the same bumper, only difference is they sealed up the fog light cover area. So if you order from them it will be more expensive ($1,295.00) and will look different. You will also need to buy 997 clear side markers. The 986 ones will not fit the new 997 GT-3 bumper. Got mine from my local dealership at a discounted price of $17.00 each. All of the GT-3 bumpers are Urethane except for the one sold from Fiberwerks ($1,275.00). His IS fiberglass. Hope this helps.
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