New S owner
I'm an engineer so I analyzed the this 'what to buy problem' till I got a headache for months. First it was buy or build(cobra, etc.). I didn't want to wait so it was buy but giving up the brut force of a cobra was tough. So then it was 911 or boxster (no cheaper used Caymans are in the market yet) and newer or older. I felt that mid engine was preferable to rear engine and after watching a couple of Porsche autocrosses the flat cornering of the boxster was amazing compared to older 911's. (theory confirmed) I preferred the look of a convertible boxster to the convertible 911. Arthritis and Atlanta traffic made think seriously about the tiptronic. I targeted a range 01 to 03 black and S (having backed off on the cobra I still wanted what ever HP I could get). I looked and test drove, rinse and repeat, etc. Disappointed nothing was doing it for me, too many miles, split rear windows bad CarFax reports, etc. so I decided to look up year or two to get some comparison points. Local Dealer, Jim Ellis, had a dark blue 2004 S at 24K miles the CarFax showed they had been sitting on it for about 4 months. They agreed it needed to go so they offered to Certify it, two years additional warranty, put new tires on it and bring everything up to snuff. Moral, don't ignore the orphans, maybe it's just a less popular color, you will know the right one when you see it. BTW, a top down six speed screaming petal to the metal blast is better than a whole cabinet full of pills when it comes to aches and pains.