Dealership emailed today and my 01 Boxster is ready!! I'm the one that spun a rod bearing and Warranty Direct has initially refused to pay (I'll deal with them soon, once I have all my costs together for my lawyer to present to them) I ended up going with a 3.2 S motor instead of a 2.7 so at least I should notice a difference I hope.
I've been selling autographs on ebay like crazy to come up with the funds. I had it all together and then the last week I've been hit with about $2,000 worth of stuff I hadn't planned for, IE, clutch replacement while engine is out, teardown costs of the first engine so Warranty Direct could have the pleasure of denying it :troll: (I should have known about this cost but I thought it was already in the estimate dealership had given me), and a couple of other small items that are adding up. Final bill when you include the cost of the engine I got from a recycler will be $10,800.00 and change. OUCH!!! :ah: I could have probably picked up a lesser condition full older model for that and fixed it up with stuff from my ride.
Oh well, hopefully at some point I'll get all my funds back from warranty direct. I know that they better be ready for a hell of a fight Hopefully I'll be able to pick it up and pay for it soon, just need to keep hustling sales on ebay. As soon as I get in it and take off though, I know the permagrin will be back and I can enjoy falling for my car all over again. This will be like getting to enjoy a long lost love again.

Maybe I'll have it back in time for the mini get together in Dallas coming up.
Hope to see y'all on the road soon,