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Old 12-27-2007, 08:45 AM   #30
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Among other things, we got a portable Garmin GPS unit. Haven't tried it in the car yet---just being lazy, loungin' around the house and eating for a few days---but I did take a walk around the neighborhood with it. (I've never used one before...As Bruce Willis was told in the latest Die Hard, I'm sort of an analog guy in a digital world.)

It was super dark, could hardly see my hand in front of my face, let alone the road or surroundings. Like some wide-eyed 7 year old, I was so absorbed by the glowing of the GPS screen in my hand, watchng in fascinatinon as it displayed my progress turn by turn, that several times I lost the middle of the road and found myself stumbling into the drainage ditch along side the street like some drunken fool .

It was kinda funny. I felt like an idiot but was having a great time at it.
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