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Old 08-18-2007, 06:17 AM   #9
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Posts: 5

I found the time last weekend to remove the transmission tunnel plastic console as per B&M instructions. After unbolting the shifter assembly, I immediately found 3-4 coins under it.

Further forward along the central groove in the metal bodywork where two wire bundles run, coins were lodged deep under where the CD holder is located. I fashioned a wire coat hanger into a straight long shaft with a small rounded hook tip to fish another 3-4 coins out.

After 3-4 repeated reinstallations and removal of the shifter assembly and test driving with sudden accelerating and braking motions to listen for jingle/rattles, (i didn't know how many loose coins were lost to begin with) i finally tracked down another 4 small coins that had travelled as far forward beyond the CD holder (shin level when your leg is resting against the dead pedal).

I only managed to remove these with bare fingers through a tiny hole in a metal bracket under the carpeting, in combination with the modified coat hanger. (Lucky i have small hands).

I can cautiously claim success for now, unless I hear further jingling, but so far, so good. Yay.
2003 Speed Yellow Boxster S
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