Originally Posted by ccwchew
Thanks for the help Blue2000S. I'll give it a go in a weekend or two when I get some time. I'm even tempted now to buy a B&M shoft shifter kit and install it myself.
I just compared the price to buy one online from B&M, and it would be a substantial saving compared to the Porsche dealership quote.
they are even cheaper than 55 on ebay now, and they are pretty much B&M, and probably made in the same factory, just the handle is put on the wrong way, btw,install is not hard at all, give it a go.
i was jsut suprised at the all things that needed to be dine, sicne my last short throw in my other car took no longer than 5 minutes to install, and it was a b&m as well...
good luck getting those coiins out, maybe you shold try something with magnets if nothing else works, move them to the point where you can reach them like you did with the other ones...