1. The "newer style" image uploader is actually very primitive and mundane. Newer versions of vBulletin have inline attachments and other useful features. The upgrade process is super easy and if you can't do it, vBulletin will do it for you for $75. There's also freelancers that will do it for as little as $20. The current version is 5.5, whereas, this board uses 3.8.7. To put that in perspective, that's like an
iPhone 3Gs compared to a 5. :dance:
2. Also, the ability to upload photos has been disabled in the
"Social Groups"... Group moderators can't even upload as much as a profile photo.
Since photos are such an integral part of social interaction, this makes for a very lame web experience, especially for a community of elitists like ourselves. I hate to put it like this, but even the Miata forum uses the latest IPB. To be brutally honest, if Pelican Parts jumped off a bridge, would you?
3. Everything else looks ok, this is still an awesome community and great resource for Boxster owners- but you still have to update every year. It's a reality that all webmasters much face... Or slowly die of as younger persons are reluctant to join an outdated site that they don't understand. :ah: