Well, that's simple...
Find the nearest collection of sports cars, and tag along!
A couple of guys from the Colorado Crossfire Club decided to beat out the weather on Sunday afternoon in order to spend some quality time in the mountains with their cars. Since my gf owns the dark grey one in the photos, I decided to tag along.
We spent the whole day running in front of the clouds, staying in the sun, and zipped around Highway 6 up to Black Hawk, along the Golden Gate Canyon Road for a bit, and another photo shoot. Just their cars, this time.
Then we got down to business, and the Porsche said "Hey, I know this great road just off the Peak To Peak Highway, in Ward." So I led them over to Left Hand Canyon, where I blew their minds. Sorry, no pics this time, as we were way too busy driving.
After the fun was all over, it was just myself and my girl once again.
Here's a pic from us just outside of Boulder on Thursday:
Did I mention that after having all that fun driving yesterday, today we woke up to the cars being covered in snow?
Gotta love Colorado.