Originally Posted by Jinster
Does anyone know if the sensors used on the Boxster for things like engine and transmission temperature, pressure, etc are generic? As in, made by Bosch or something? Or if there is a universal standard for sensors?
I am asking coz I want to hook up some temperature gauges to the transmission, but don't want to drill new holes to put in new sensors. Just wondering if it'd work if I just hooked up a generic electric temperature gauge to the existing sensor in parrallel.
I don't understand why you would want to add temp gauges to the Tip S. It already has a Temp sensor which the DME uses to open/close the Coolant Shut-off valve to the ATF/Coolant Heat Exchanger. It is integral to the Tiptronic wiring harness - see below.
Also, this sensor's signal is sent to the DME via pin# 21 of the DME connector, though the DME probably extrapolates the temp from the strength of an electrical signal from the Temp Sensor and it's own software. Or, the Temp sensor may actually only close a circuit if a pre-determined temp threshold is reached, which is more likely the case. I doubt a generic temp gauge would work. You could drill and weld a bung to the Transmission Pan to accept a standard Temp Sender and go that route. Hope this helps...
Happy Motoring!... Jim'99