Cam Sensor out of range bank one
2002 Boxster S Starts and revs, Idles for a few seconds Idle drops runs rough, sputters, when revved a bit does the same thing again. Durametric reads cam sensor out of range bank one.
Replaced cam sensor, same symptoms, same code.
Checked wiring from sensot to ECU, no shorts to other wires, continuity from sensor to ECU connector OK. When ignition turned on I get 5v to the pin at the connector. shoved a needle into the wires by the connector and get continuity from the wirte to the pin, so the connector seem ok.
Sent the brain, lockout unit and key to specialized ECU repairin florida and it checks out ok.
So what would be the next step, or what to test? I've read that a bad cam chain tensioner could cause this?
Deep in the southwest,