Originally Posted by truegearhead
Let me preface this question with the fact that this car has 0 factory electronics or anything else for that matter. So this is more of a basic electrical question than a Boxster question.
I am trying to start my audi V8 swap and have spark but I only have 7V at the injectors which is preventing them from operating. I've traced the power back to the relay that is powering them and I am seeing 7V out of the relay as well. Oddly, both the signal and power coming into the relay are 12V and the ground is ohm'ing out at 0 ohms (the ground is good). I moved it just to be sure. I thought the relay was bad so I swapped it out and have the same result...12V in and 7V out... Any ideas on what witchcraft is at play here?
What type of relay after you using?
Some relays are designed to down step the voltage to ~5v to run low power accessories like lights. If you are sure your relay is not malfunctioning, sounds like you need a different (12v out ) relay.
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2000 Box Base, Renegade Stage 1 performance mods complete, more to come
When the owners manual says that the laws of physics can't be broken by this car, I took it as a challenge...