It did NOT blow itself into bejeezuz little bits! :dance:
For those of you who have followed my winter project with it's plethora of puzzled or panicked queries, I am pleased to announce that my endeavor resulted in success!

A year ago I picked up a 2001 Boxster S in California and drove it back home to Montreal, importing it into Canada. It was a good price and the IMSB and RMS had been recently upgraded. The only remarkable problem was that the camshaft deviations were out of spec ( approx. -1 and -9 ). There was also a CEL that came on en route which was fixed with a new gas cap.
I decided to tackle the camshaft deviation thing over the long Montreal winter. In for a penny, in for a pound, I decided to drop the engine to do this job. Probably the best approach for a first timer: I figured I could get the engine out and that I was capable of fixing it. If I couldn't get it back in, I could always flatbed it to my local indie.
If you want to undertake this sort of project yourself, there are several excellent posts and DIYs concerning this sort of job so I will not repeat all of this readily available information but rather just post a few links and some suggestions which come to mind. Be gentle with old, brittle plastic parts. I broke many!
Arm yourself with some documentation.
Useful posts and forums:
Project NUTROD- Porsche Boxster M96 Engine Removal is a great source of hands-on info about dropping your engine and other stuff in your own garage.
DIY Projects: Do-it-Yourself Repair and Maintenance for your Porsche for other DIY projects.
Performance and Technical chat - 986 Forum - for Porsche Boxster Owners and Others (this forum )
Boxster & Boxster S (986) Forum - Rennlist Discussion Forums
986 Series (Boxster, Boxster S) - Forums
4 Good Documents:
Bentley Porsche Boxster Service Manual,
Wayne Dempsey's
101 Projects for the Porsche Boxster
and definitely the
online Boxster shop Manual (various sources)
Useful tools:
LED worklight, doesn't get hot, lots of light
Metric socket set
Tamper proof Torx driver set
metric allen socket set
hose clamp pliers
Durametric or similar
Useful suppliers
ECS Tuning very good online prices. Good service.
Pelican Parts good support. Jelly beans.
Auto Atlanta
Maybe your local indie
Special Porsche tools (or make 'em yourself ):
B9612K or
P 253 or 9612 = Bar for setting cam timing. Nice but not absolutely necessary.
P 255 or 9634 = Jig for retaining cam timing in order to remove the valve cover. Make it yourself!
P 256 or 9611 = Fixture for securing cam shafts when valve cover is removed. Make it yourself
P 258 or 9595 = Pins for locking cam shaft pulley & torque converter. Make it yourself
Numbered egg crate for cam cover bolts, hardwood cam hold-down tool, aluminum angle hold-down for removing cam covers, 5/16 bolt for locking TDC, some reading material:
Pads made out of 2X10s and plywood for use with jack stands and jacks: