There are a LOT of threads about these two codes..... which I'm sportin' today. So I resurrected just one.
Last year at emissions inspection time, I had already installed the 987 airbox and giant TB. (I think I had the OEM MAF Holder installed though. I can't really remember the order of events there)
This year, I've replaced the engine, transferring all of that over to the new one. I am now running the 987 MAF Holder. I'm ALSO sporting new headers with no cats, mid-pipes with baby-cats, extended-wire o2 sensors, etc.
I'm due for inspection this month, so I went out and did the OBD Readiness Drive-cycle to get it all ready. (I'd reset all codes recently). The first try, I popped a cel right after the 4th/final step; P0420/P0430. These are CAT - related. I rolled my eyes, reset the faults and tried again on my way HOME. This time, different codes: 1126 and 1133. Almost ALL of the reading I'm doing on this forum and elsewhere points to MAF, with the exception of
JFP's comments in this thread (LINK): Now frankly, almost anybody else's comments, I'd weigh less heavily against the preponderance of other threads.... but it's JFP, man.
So.... I'd love to hear from others who've swapped to the 987 MAF Holder Tube, and if you;ve had these issues? There's another thread where a user says he put a foam restriction in the 987 maf tube to slow the air, and it passed. ???
C'mon y'alll..... all y'all who've got some experience here, or are knowledgeable about this stuff.... help a brother out? :dance: