The following are instructions/pictures for removing the air intake snorkel. This is basically lifted from instructions on PPBB, but for anyone here who doesn't have it, I'll paste it below. I don't take credit for this, but thanks to the kind soul who took these pictures.
Remove this screw
Push the blind in
First under
Confirm that the blind is free and
press the under left corner to the right and pull outside
Remove the cover like that
Remove the blind and
you will see this
Pull outside the pipe, you shake it simultaneously ( hard )
Remove the pipe like that
Pipe removed!
Now to put blinds back.
Separate the removed blinds from the removed air intake cover. First, place the blind leg like this.
Press the leg inside like this, then do the other two legs.
The three legs should look like this.
To replace the cover back in place, press the bottom left corner to the right and in.
Replace the screw.