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Outkasted 07-27-2021 07:13 AM

new member hello
Finally after a month my account was activated so i can start posting here. I recently sold my 996TT because there was nothing i wanted to do to it and desired a project. That was a great car that i daily drove for 3 years. I just bought an 01 Boxster S in need of a lot of TLC. Paint is horrible with clear peeling, top leaks like its not even there LOL. I have already learned much from this forum and hope to capture and share the rebuild process.

Need to decide if i go original color or something off the wall, opinions?

last day i owned this one

Some of the project

986 Boxster 07-27-2021 12:43 PM

Welcome to the forum. Beautiful 996TT. I`m not sure I would sell a 996TT to build a 986, you must be really bored :D. If you are going with a lot of after market stuff then I would go with an off the wall color, If you are keeping the classic OEM 986 look then I would go with the OEM color. I like the two tone seats. Good luck with the build.

Outkasted 07-27-2021 06:11 PM

Not really bored but have a few ideas and couldn’t see modding a turbo to drastically. Would really tank the value. I sold it also because the more I drove it the less it was worth and since prices are going up on them I cashed out now. The 986 I won’t have any of those worries. It wasn’t in great shape when I got it so no value will ever be lost, lol. Not sure how I feel about the two tone seats yet but they are growing me.

Outkasted 08-02-2021 08:19 AM

2 Attachment(s)
original mat on right. Tried my hand and dying floor mats.

Outkasted 08-02-2021 08:25 AM


Outkasted 08-02-2021 08:34 AM

Also finished the door and center console refresh. I am not a painter but it is not bad for a DIY.








Outkasted 08-23-2021 09:56 AM

Learned a lot today about painting plastic, need the adhesion promoter. I ordered the 718 tail lights and figured I would black out my 3rd brake light as I wait. The led strip i had available is not bright enough but not bad for my first attempt. Will redo it later.


Outkasted 08-23-2021 03:06 PM

Well the place I ordered the 718 style taillights are out of stock. If anyone has a set around there are interested in selling at a reasonable price PM me. Used to see them on eBay all the time but not anymore.

Outkasted 08-27-2021 08:27 AM

Well the 718 lights are out of stock most places unless you want to pay over $800 for them. I just don't feel they are worth that much so i just tinted my stock tails. Need to go back and wet sand some more as the clear ran a bit. Also repurposed the rear fogs into parking lights because i never use the rear fogs and that spot not being lit always annoyed me.



Outkasted 08-27-2021 08:30 AM

Hard top should be here next week then I think it will be time to paint. I want to do a color change but that is a lot of work. I will get quotes later as I think that is way beyond DIY.

Outkasted 09-09-2021 07:50 AM

KBD bumper finally shipped so will be trying my hand at fitting that in a couple weeks. Side skirts are ordered, hopefully in a month or so I will have those and a fresh paint job.

Outkasted 09-09-2021 10:02 AM

Got these vent covers in today. Part of the growing list of items that will eventually make it onto the car. Need to settle on suspension choice soon.


Outkasted 09-13-2021 06:24 AM

Got this over the weekend. The car is starting to match my vision.


Outkasted 09-16-2021 10:46 AM

Got this in yesterday and mounted it today. This proved to be harder than I thought it would be. Its not perfect but it is acceptable.


Outkasted 10-04-2021 05:56 AM

Had these laying around in need of refinishing. Thought i would try my hand at painting them up. Base layer and test run.


986 Boxster 10-04-2021 07:45 AM

It's coming along nicely :cool:. I like the wheels, are those the hollow turbo ones?
My buddy just traded in his 996 turbo for a newer version, he won't tell which one :mad:, What's with everyone selling their 996 turbos :), the market must be high right now, I guess I'm going to have to wait to see the new one. This was his car, all stock.

Outkasted 10-05-2021 06:02 AM

Those are the wheels from a 996 turbo but not sure if they are the hollow ones or not. Never really researched it to find out. Low mileage 996 turbos are getting sold at a high price right now, especially if you have low miles. The downside to that is you have to keep the miles low to maintain value. Mine was high mileage so I got to drive it everyday and still made a little bit of money on the sale. I kinda miss that car but the Boxster will be great once its done I know it.

Outkasted 10-07-2021 12:08 PM

Part two of painting the wheels is done. This is current condition. Way from professional but not terrible considering I have never done this before.


I am debating on painting the whole rim like the center cap test piece in this picture. If i don't I will remove any shinny parts so the rim is more of a brushed look.


ArnoldA 10-07-2021 09:38 PM

New member hello - 986 s intermittent cranking issue
Hello all
I’ve recently bought a 2003 Boxster S, and sometimes when warm it will not crank other times it starts fine but on occasion it has not cranked at all when key turned.
When cold it is fine and cranks always and starts fine, these probs are only when it is warm.

Outkasted 10-08-2021 06:42 AM

ArnoldA, wrong place for your question.

Outkasted 10-22-2021 06:54 AM

Final stage of wheels. They are far from perfect but again learned a lot. First time dealing with paint reactions and cracking. I like the look and may get them professionally done next year but for now they will do.



986 Boxster 10-22-2021 06:19 PM

Gold wheels :cool:, what color is the car going to be?

Outkasted 10-23-2021 08:54 AM

The car is likely going to be a deep red or black, haven’t settled on a color yet. I just wanted a wheel color that popped a bit.

986 Boxster 10-23-2021 03:31 PM

Red or black it will look nice. Gold looks good with just about any color, it also looks good with white, silver, blue, etc.

Outkasted 10-23-2021 06:13 PM

I agree, have to settle on a color one day. Car is at the shop for engine work so decided to try my hand at painting. Once it’s back and I drive it for a bit will get into paint and body work.

Outkasted 11-22-2021 07:38 AM

Should I match my center console to the deep red I plan to paint the car or to the gold I painted the wheels? Currently it is silver because I matched it to the door handles. Debating changing out all the silver pieces.

986 Boxster 11-22-2021 03:35 PM


Originally Posted by Outkasted (Post 643577)
Should I match my center console to the deep red I plan to paint the car or to the gold I painted the wheels? Currently it is silver because I matched it to the door handles. Debating changing out all the silver pieces.

I wouldn`t paint the console the same gold as the wheels, I would go with the red that you plan on painting the car with. As far as painting all the Silver pieces, that`s a matter of preference.

Outkasted 11-23-2021 06:56 AM

Thanks for the input. I guess i will wait until the outside is painted and then decide.

Outkasted 02-23-2022 11:52 AM

Not much going on with the car it's awaiting a clutch to get this in and final assembly. I can not wait to get the car back drive it some and then move on to paint among other things. This part of the build was way above of my skill level and realistic expectations of doing it myself. Hopefully the car will be fully done including paint by summer so I can enjoy it.


Outkasted 03-02-2022 05:44 AM

It is getting closer to completion, I am really excited.


Outkasted 05-17-2022 09:55 AM

Time for some experimenting on some parts I had around.


ike84 05-18-2022 07:24 PM

In the spirit of "I did not see that one coming"... You went from painting the rims to a motor swap!?!?

What motor is that? Do you have a separate build thread that I missed?

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk

Outkasted 05-19-2022 04:28 AM

I can't take credit for the motor swap, way beyond my skill set and tool availability. I sent the car to a shop to get that done, the motor is a VR6. I originally planned to try myself until more research showed the adapter plate I had in mind wasn't going to work so it would have to be a custom piece. I have decided to attempt the paint job myself once I get it back and enjoy driving for a couple days.

Outkasted 09-29-2022 12:23 PM

Not going to be for everyone but a mockup of the cars direction.


Outkasted 11-22-2022 06:58 AM

Dropped the car off for coil over installation and alignment. Next up is a new exhaust, this thing is way too loud.

Outkasted 12-07-2022 04:06 PM

Exhaust done, alignment done and my passenger side headlight retrofit is done. Just have the drivers side to do tomorrow and then on to a try at custom taillights. Pics of headlights tomorrow but nothing you guys haven’t seen, retrofit lab is a great option.

Outkasted 12-08-2022 06:36 PM

So drivers side headlight didn’t go as planned. Going to have to rewire the whole thing. Unexpected setback for sure. If anyone has tips on getting it done I am all ears.

Radman 12-09-2022 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Outkasted (Post 650032)
So drivers side headlight didn’t go as planned. Going to have to rewire the whole thing. Unexpected setback for sure. If anyone has tips on getting it done I am all ears.

Prob get more traction in one of the main forums.

Outkasted 12-09-2022 03:59 PM

Thanks but got it done today. Both lights now work correctly.

Outkasted 08-07-2023 10:45 AM

Quick little image on the direction the project is currently headed. First time doing any sort of bodywork. I understand why shops charge so much now.


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