I went from a 2001 Miata to a 2003 Boxster. My main complaints with the Miata was its lack of get up and go and with me being a bigger boy, it just felt too snug. Now me being heavier probably contributed to its lack of go

but it never failed to put a smile on my face anyway. I enjoyed driving it and it was my first convertible in almost 14 years since I gave up my BMW Z3 back when we found out we were expecting. I only kept the Miata about a year and a half and the desire for more response when I put my right foot down was leading me to be more disappointed with each drive. This was not the car's fault. I was asking more from it than it was designed to give me.
Enter the Boxster. I have the 227hp non-S model. I love driving it. It is the fastest car I have ever owned and I fully keep expecting to get into lots of trouble with it. So far I have not incurred any tickets but I figure it is only a matter of time. The car gets to higher than posted speed so quickly and seemingly almost effortlessly that I have to check the speedo way more often than I have done in any other vehicle I've owned. I can hit 75 in a seeming flash. I probably still have not adapted to it as yet. With the Miata, I always knew that I was working my way to higher speeds. The Miata's engine noise always let me know the car was working to get me there. The Boxster makes a terrific exhaust note (seemingly even better after a recent cat replacement) and I don't get to listen to it under acceleration for too long since it gets up to speed so fast and then we are just cruising (or actually we are often in the process of letting off the throttle to get back down to more prudent speeds).
Enjoy your Boxster. Different beast for certain than the Miata.