I just picked up a 97 with 135K on the clock in need of some TLC. Many would say I was crazy for buying a car needing smog and overdue registration with a CEL. After much research and inspection of O2 sensors and plugs I replaced the MAF and the air filter. After resetting the codes and driving the cycles recommended in the Bently manual the CEL did not come back on and it passed. A bit high on hydrocarbons but I failed to drive it more the day of the test. Now I can get to the TLC and improvements

So far I love driving it. The tip is easy to use and is quite fun on backroads with no clutch to work. I'm going see how many miles I can drive it before repairs get to out of hand. I think the tan interior is a bit much for a black car, so I am going to use some black 911 seats that came with the deal.