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Conversation Between Gabry80 and evan9eleven
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. evan9eleven
    07-25-2021 07:53 AM - permalink
    Hi Gabriele, soory, I didn't see your message before now. My PSE setup uses what is called a "latching relay." This kind of relay holds power on or off each time it is switched, so when you pust the button, it keeps the valves open, until you push the button again. Go see my wiring diagram again, a regular relay won't work, it must be a latching relay. Good luck! http://986forum.com/forums/boxster-general-discussions/50649-homemade-pse-version-1-0-done-behold-evan-sport-exhaust-pics-vid-writeup-%3D.html
  2. Gabry80
    03-30-2020 02:08 PM - permalink
    Ciao Evan,

    i follow your instruction for "home made PSE button" but I have this problem:

    - The switch work just if I push it continuously. When I stop to push the button, the valve change the status (from open to closed).

    Can you help me in found the solution? Where is the mistake?

    Thank you in advance. Best regards


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