Hi, i want to share my experience
i was inspired by this 2014, with caliper in hand i went to a dealership to get some dimensions. Since this are not the same cars some distances are still relevant, like measurements between emblems and relation with the body also distances between letters.
i got my emblems from Suncoast Autopars online, Beautiful and OEM
Porsche Boxster Emblems - 2013+:Porsche Parts & Porsche Accessories - Wholesale Porsche Parts & Tequipment
I research this a lot before. I saw all the posts about this, most people place the letters in a straight line. I believe that the letter should follow the shape of the car. The trunk lid is a compound curve and is my theory that anything installed on it will describe a curve even if it is a line.
This 911 owner did a beautiful and detailed job but it placed the letters in a straight line.
He realized that something looked weird at the end
Replacing the P-O-R-S-C-H-E emblem. - Page 2 - Rennlist Discussion Forums
this is what i did
I marked 100 mm from the edge of the LID. I made several 100mm marks on the LID with a pencil then i connect them with painter tape. i strongly recommend 3M automotive tape since allow you to make great curves, blue tape: not that good
distance between letters: i used the H, some people use the letter O, The O is wider 4mm than the H; All letters have different dimensions, is tricky and a typography exercise.