Getting my skis in my car to drive up to Wisconsin was a bit of a clown car act. I had to open both doors and put the skis all the way through the passenger door and sticking out the driver's door. Then I had to put the tails of the skis down in the passenger's footwell, then swing the tips up between the two headrests to rest on the middle of the roll bar, and even then they only fit by about half an inch.
I saw a ski rack on a 911 once IRL or in a dream or online, and searched to buy one but found nothing that looked right. I will attach the only picture I have found that shows the general idea.
So I made a trunk mounted rack for my skis. I replicated the sole of my ski boot in wood so the skis would click into the rack the same way the boots click into the bindings when you're ready to ski. I made an angled spacer to keep the skis off the roof and trunk.
For the piece that sits on the trunk lid, I had to made relief cuts for it to follow the curve of the trunk. I lined it with an old innertube to protect the paint and used a ratcheting strap on the underside of the trunk lid to clamp it all down- superclassy! Crude but effective.
I made a leash that was secured inside the trunk in case the rack wandered or totally let go during the drive, but I was pleased to see the whole rig moved maybe 1/16" in the 2+ hours of driving. Worked great! Maybe for next year I'll make a rig to steam bend a piece of wood and skip the relief cuts, and make the rest out of one piece of wood. Thoughts?