OK, I believe my AC drain is blocked as my drivers side (Left side) footwell filled up with water. Unfortunately it must have been happening gradually and I didn't notice until my feet got wet on the way home last week. Luckily being originally from the UK I always back into parking spots and my drive. As my drive slopes down hill, any water/moisture must have been forward. But last week when I got wet the door lock solenoid started clicking on and off many times per second as I was driving. Then when I stopped and removed the key the door speakers started screaming until I disconnected the battery. I then pushed it into the garage (after putting the suspension and brakes back on my Vovlo and getting it on the road for the winter). Since then I've cleaned up, pulled the seats then got my wet/dry shop vac and sucked up as much of the water as I could. I've removed as much as I can per the many carpet removal how too on the web including the electronic module (I think it's for the central locking / security, can someone please confirm?) tht lives on the floor under the drivers seat. The bad news is once I was under the seat I had sitting water, that module was partly submerged so now I have to be prepared for it to be dead and need replacing. It's been sat on top of my dehumidifier since I removed it.
The issue is every online how to I've found talks about manual trans cars. Mine is an auto and so the shifter and shifter surround are different. I don't want to force things, but I can't figure out how to get the **************** knob off or remove the shifter surround so I can get to the TORX screws below it. Any tips, how toos, diagrams etc. would be gratefully received.