Hi ladies and gentlemen. I've just finished fitting anew glass window top from AutoTopsDirect.com Wow, what a massive PIA that was. I have the 101 projects book and watched the how too on Roaring Tigers Garage on YOuTube. Very unimpressed with the 101 book instructions, the YouTube vid was far better.
Once I finished the top wont close correctly. This was something I was concerned about as I was never happy with the routing of the cables that goes around the rear edge of the side windows at either end. Are there images of how they rout? I thought I snapped a couple of pics of the cable but didn't.
At the lower end it fastens through an eyelet and there is a guide that seems to push it outboard, is this correct?
At the front/top end it connects to the spring aluminium plate that goes in the front corners then goes back. At the back edge of that plate there is a cut in the plate right in the corner where it is folded. Is it supposed to go through there?
Note on the last pic of the drivers side the cable is outside the guide piece, I can tuck it behind that, but it doesn't help.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.