Now that stage 1 performance mods have been completed on my "project renegade" I decided to have a little fun. I recently saw a pic of a gt3rs on track - sweet pic btw - and I decided that I wanted that spoiler. Well, as close as I can rig up at least. So, I headed to Amazon and found a nice little carbon fiber wing. I bought a bunch of extra mounts to play around with just in case. So, the first said of steps was to assemble the shooter and legs and then tape out the centerline on the trunk with painters tape. Then wifey was kind enough to hold the spoiler in place so I could get it properly lined up in relationship to the wheels. More painters tape, triple checking distances, you get the idea.
Then it came the drill... Duhn duhn... Talk about a pucker factor - I was less stressed when I cut a hole in the rear firewall for my new intake lol. Anyway. Those 4 holes went fine except for the front passengers side which wind up in the support section of the fluid resivoir so that took a little rigging.
After the 4 studs were mounted, shooter went on and got aligned. I didn't want the angle very aggressive at first so I left it quite natural for the time being. Then out for a drive!
The good news is that at over 115 mph the spoiler started on! The bad me is that the deck lid isn't strong enough to really transfer that force down to the rear wheels on a meaningful fashion. So, reinforcements were needed.
I had some extra 3/4" aluminum channel from a recent project and they are fairly strong so I decided to use those. I had to buy new hardware for mounting and to come up with a string enough system. The pics show it better but in short there is a lock nut to hold the mount to the skin, then below that are double nuts that lock as a support for the bolt against the brace when downforcee is generated, and then a nut on the underside of the brace to hold everything in place.
Now for the tricky part. I want to mount the brace to the steel frame that supports the trunk skin. This is steel and I figure more than strong enough to withstand a few hundred pounds of downforce. There's no way access the top side of those struts though but I figured it out.
Using a thin guage wire, I fished 1.5" long 3/8" carriage bolts down through the channel and out the groove. There's an opening at the far end that is big enough to fit the bolt through and the square neck fits perfectly in the channels. I used a thick neoprene washer first because that surface isn't flat, followed by a big ass fender washer. Then through the support, followed by a lock washer and lock nut.
In all honesty, this was hard. Like way harder than I would have imagined. The trickiest thing is that all the bolts run at angles and make lining everything up a royal PITA.
Anyway, enough talk. Now for the pics.
Next up - head unit delete and Carrera style middle console. This one will be fun if I can pull it off, still lots of details to work out first though.

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