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Old 11-08-2014, 10:44 AM   #1
Ben006's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2014
Location: French Riviera
Posts: 827
Ball bearing short shifter !

Okay, I need to update that post!

Let's talk about shifters!

What is a short shifter?
A short shifter replaces part of/completely your shifter mechanism:

In order to shorten the distance between gears or "throw", and usually reduce the play for a more precise engagement.
You can see a before and after on the suncoast website: Suncoast Porsche Parts & Accessories Porsche Short Shift Kit

It is not just a shortened lever, and the actual correct name is a Short Throw Shifter.
Externally, when everything is back together, it looks just like before (unless you go cray like me and peel you shift boot and cut your shift knob...

What do I do with those shifters?

First, I don't completely make them from scratch, I use the regular Short shifters that you can buy on eBay. Why ? Because the shifting mechanism isn't subjected to high loads, and the material they use in 10 time stronger than what's needed (what proof ? look at how the cables are attached ). And also, having to completely make them would cost three times the price... not the goal here!

What makes them different then?

When I receive the base shifters, I take them completely apart, check them, grease them with proper high pressure grease. Then I put them back together correctly (they come backward...), while making sure that they function freely and smoothly.

Then, I have the bushing holders (or cup, as I call them) and side cylinders machined to accept 4 ball bearings.
Why 4? Simply because it is the best compromise between machining cost/ball bearing cost/strength.

Do the ball bearings really make a difference?

Yes, I'll talk about it again after, but the ball bearing do make a real difference in feel.
Hard bushings always have some play, or end up with some play once they start to wear. The ball bearings won't wear nearly as fast, and if they do, just replace them with new ones for less than 5$!
On the other hand, good luck finding new bushings! You most likely will need a whole new shifter!

How do they compare?

I had the opportunity to try some other big brand shifters on 996, 986 and a 987.
While they are beautiful part, and definitely worth their price as far as quality goes, the feeling, is still different.
None of them had the same "rifle bolt action" when engaging a gear, and that feeling comes from the ball bearing due to their metal to metal contacts.

What about reliability?
So far, I only had one guy that had a really non-human problem with one of the shifters. I since changed the grease I use to a thicker, stickier one.
I recommend to check them every once in a while, to ensure that everything is still doing it's job properly.

What do they fit on?
Any manual transmission on 9x6 and 9x7 Porsche models.

How hard is it to install?
Pelicanpart has a pretty good write-up on how to install one, and there are a lot more available online!
It is not really hard to install, though there are some tricks, and if you don't feel comfortable, get it installed by someone who already did one, or a shop!
Or me if you want to drive by.

Why do I do this?
It's fun, and very rewarding! I learned a ton of things, and met very nice people doing this!

How to get one?
Check the last pages of this thread, I usually post a message when I'm ready to start.
I'm not a shop, I don't have a stock, I might have one or two laying around from people who canceled theirs, but not often.
You can send me a private message at any time, and I'll put you on my list for the next ones! That means that I will contact you as soon as I'm ready to do more.

You can also PM me if you have any question or need help, even if you got a shifter from somewhere else, no prob

Some pictures:

I think I covered pretty much everything?



Last edited by Ben006; 10-19-2016 at 04:26 PM.
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