12-13-2014, 09:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Slate 01
Just wanted to keep this thread active, so others that didn't see it before would take notice. I think there would be quite a bit of interest in this for their Boxsters.
Any updates to report?
Yikes! Apologies for the late one
Seen your post y'day but was stuck out of town and my mobby's VPN just wouldn't want to connect for some weird reason. That's right, 986forum is blocking conn coming from China.... we also need to buy VPN services to access most networks (youtube, twitter, 986forum, etc lol)
The update is.... I got all the electronics sorted this week so now it's off to testing the kit is harsh environments. 48hrs in the oven @ 120F non-stop and the same going on in the freezer at -4F. What I do is swing the "powered-on" kit back and forth in cold/hot/cold/hot. If it survives then I'll let those kits go out - not before!
I'll get some pics taken tomorrow and update soon.
p.s. slow progress... last weekend was our monthly Porsche car weekend out and this Saturday was my dogs' 3 years old birthday (out of town). Read correct... the dogs birthdays are celebrated. I know... I have pretty weird hobbies I tell ya lol
and tmrw the wife wants me to decorate the house and get it ready for xmas (she is hosting this year, not me lol). Can't believe it... more LEDs
Busy Busy!!!
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-14-2014, 04:59 PM
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A quick update on the "Skybreaker" wind deflector.
I have to admit that I am very surprised nobody flamed me for using that silly product name (yet anyway!). It's like calling your newly established budget Airline company "CloudCrasher". What if the skybreaker break... or what if it that new airline crashes... nah? whatever.... lol
Made a mistake to light ON the prototype (HUD) during our last weekend's Porsche car outing (yes, I had it lit up on my Boxster lol). A curious friend uploaded a few pics of that funny "ironman-style" HUD on the local pcar forum here and I got PM'ed with requests minutes after. How funny. Long story short, I have to plan making 10 additional kits for the guys owning 986s here lol Some facts and figures: there are about twenty-one (21) 986s in China only (that our little community knows of anyway).
Here goes a few shots of the electronic. That PWM box design and assembly is final and being wrapped up this week - nice little kit in all, I have to tell myself lol. Robust!
^ Here is a grab of what the internals looks like. Following recommendations, I've included a micro Molex connector between the controller and the wind deflector. That way if you want to remove your deflector (e.g. for cleaning) then the only thing you need to disconnect is that little micro connector (idea from member rfuerst911sc). The other end, the red + black wires goes to car's 12V. Most likely I'll be using the ashtray's light 12v but also looking at a dash option. Still unsettled on where to tap the 12v lol.... too many places I guess
^ The LED strip and the molex micro connector. The molex conn is 4mm wide X2mm thick. Shouldn't be hard to hide! I've soldered and secured the connection at both end, added a drop of industrial epoxy and wrapped it as far as possible with a quality heat shrinkable tube to prevent any lose up due to vibrations. Feels tight, solid. Works for me.
^ Adding to the inventory of parts required to put this deflector :/ How miniature. This is laser-cut from 1mm thick silicon rubber. Goes where the wires mates on the controller. Prevents damage to the wires when kinked or bent. Act as a shock absorber lolll Seriously, without it and with time, the wires would get damaged by the sharp edge of the aluminum-made controller box. So that's sorted.
^ Two leads of 3meter long each will be provided with the kit. Sufficient cabling for both ways e.g. whether you want to locate your controller behind the driver seat, or in the dash, there should be plenty of wires to play with there. The cabling is 26AWG gauge.... plenty to carry the small 90mA that the LED requires to fire up. Cable size is OD 3MM so again, easy to snake anywhere and hide (small is better, sometimes!).
^ So that's what going on inside the controller box. I use some pretty wicked epoxy and have been since 10 years. I use the same stuff to secure the wires inside that controller. Everything that contact this epoxy is clean using acetone before... or in other words, locked for life. I also use epoxy to secure the contact screws and the board's mounting points. Nothing moves there and again, to prevent any vibrations from losing up things.
^ This box is not serviceable (sealed). Not shown in the picture is a back cover made out of 2mm thick cast acrylic. It is opaque and mate black finish. This will also be epoxy onto the back of the controller box. Can't be opened once sealed. This is prevent the nine8six $7,238 worth high tech from being spied onto.... what if this falls into the wrong hands LOL
^ Shot of those nasty-to-make PWM controller boxes, the 25 boards, some cabling I've prep already, what else... not much really. Needs assembly, any volunteers?!
From the look of things as they are now, all it needs is kit assembly + Porsche Boxster Installation!!! I'll try to document what I'll do inside the car and snap pics of what-goes-where. Those pics above simply serves as spy-pics more than anything else. I'll be showing the real & completed kit shortly.
I'll get done this week, hit the dwtown roads and go for a quick photo shoot
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-14-2014, 05:09 PM
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edit.... censured!
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
Last edited by Nine8Six; 12-19-2014 at 05:46 AM.
12-19-2014, 05:46 AM
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I LOVE this wind deflector x1,000. Looks amazing in real life...
I am simply incapable to take great shots in low lighting :/ Hopefully my mate here in Shanghai will be able to hear me scream for his "professional" services. I'll try to get better shots of the car along with its new shiny feature and also want to take pics of all the colors I have here... some are pretty amazing i.e. cold white, blue and amber
ps. kit passed that brutal hot & cold 48hrs runs, looks pretty reliable. In fact the kit that went in the oven is on my car atm lol
I'll get pricing and availability shortly. Those can ship out right after xmas (to avoid being clogged in the mail system due to the holiday rush)
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-19-2014, 06:33 AM
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Wow. Looks really good, Fred, despite your photography issues!!
2000 Boxster S, 6 speed, Sport Package, Litronics, LED tail lights, LNE IMS-B, OBC, Skybreaker wind deflector, Arctic Silver/Graphite Grey
12-19-2014, 12:16 PM
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Damn that looks good ! So does the knob on the box adjust brightness or color ?
2002 Boxster S Arctic Silver with black top with glass window and black leather interior. Jake Raby 3.6 SS ( the beast ) with IMS Solution. 996 GT3 front bumper , GT3 rocker covers and GT3TEK rear diffuser and Joe Toth composites rear ducktail spoiler .
12-19-2014, 12:26 PM
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Posts: 466
If that is how it looks with crappy photos (according to you), it must be amazing to the naked eye. Nice looking and amazing detail.
"Blind acceptance is a sign, of stupid fools who stand in line."
12-19-2014, 03:53 PM
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Yeah, agreed. That does look amazing! Looking forward!
2001 Seal Gray Boxster (Hair Salon on wheels)
2013 Audi Q5 (Family Mover)
2006 Yamaha R1 (Adrenaline Machine)
12-20-2014, 08:28 AM
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Originally Posted by rfuerst911sc
Damn that looks good ! So does the knob on the box adjust brightness or color ?
Nah just the brightness. Dislike those RGB strips... hard to find in micro size and most I've seen needs 4 wires to operate. That'd add a river of cabling to the 'already-small' deflector Porsche kit :/ I agree tho... it is the way to go
This kit's simple, 100% stock lookin. Had to be. One little 3mm wire that you can't see! Strips are easily interchangeable. Love the CNC blades look also. OH... and no more stickers. Etching looks absolutely stunning in day time. Stopped by the car this morning on my way to the villa's mailbox.... my excuse just to look at the official deflector LIVE on the car. Keeping this badge (screw flowers, for now)
Not a huge mod I know lol but anything that makes me and the car happy is a successful mod here
Thanks for the compliments guys. Grateful nobody flamed my 'pink' looking taillights
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-21-2014, 06:26 PM
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Is there any way to have a half red, half other color strip to support the break light idea I had? It should be easy..ish. I assume your setup is one or 2 wires coming out. My thinking is that you'd need to add one more wire to support the red LEDs. I'm still trying to get you to support that idea.
Lapis Blue 03 Boxster S
Seal Grey 04 Boxster S (RIP 9-21-14)
12-22-2014, 01:40 AM
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Originally Posted by amagalla
Is there any way to have a half red, half other color strip to support the break light idea I had? It should be easy..ish. I assume your setup is one or 2 wires coming out. My thinking is that you'd need to add one more wire to support the red LEDs. I'm still trying to get you to support that idea.
lol fair enough Tony. I'll see what I can do but really I wanted to get the kit out in a "as-simple-as-possible" format (12V +/- terminals, brightness feature, that's it!). At that point whatever you guys want to DIY with it is entirely up to you (fun weekend projects for some).
Dual-color = no, but dual intensity LED connected onto your brake light circuit is fine and really not complicated at all. One resistor + one diode and off you go ($1). You could tap into the brake light's 12v from the clam's brake light to enable your dual intensity. Vid below is how its done including hardware involved (bikes, cars, boat whatever runs 12DCV is all the same concept mate)
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
Last edited by Nine8Six; 12-22-2014 at 01:43 AM.
12-22-2014, 03:07 AM
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Originally Posted by amagalla
It should be easy..ish. I assume your setup is one or 2 wires coming out. My thinking is that you'd need to add one more wire to support the red LEDs.
Tony - got those taken for you to see what's happening there. Wire-wise it's the safest/smallest I could come up with to supply the 12v to the single-color LED strip. Already small, 26AWG wires covered by a PVC insulation (OD3mm).
There's the kit... simpler than that is hard! Gave it my best shot anyway.
- Etched window (Porsche bracket not included)
- LED strip in color of choice + one spare
- LED modules/blades (CNC thingny, black, no Skybreaker logo no worries)
- PWM Controller (Brightness thingy)
- Lots lots lots of wire for you to cut lol
* NO CLIPs. Found out some retail those for as cheap as $5 these days :/ didn't know.... remember paying something like $60 incl shipping once for those clips
Made-in-China my friend. $9.95 (+ tax... about $7,855)
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
Last edited by Nine8Six; 12-22-2014 at 03:49 AM.
12-22-2014, 08:25 AM
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Pretty cool stuff!!
12-22-2014, 08:30 AM
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Cheers mate
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-22-2014, 08:44 AM
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Looking Good.
If I get this item, I may have to install a decal that states
"Porsche by Fred"
2004 Boxster S
12-22-2014, 08:47 AM
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Originally Posted by eicheldp
Looking Good.
If I get this item, I may have to install a decal that states
"Porsche by Fred" 
Same here  But it's not "if I get"
2001 Boxster S Lapis Blue
TS Cat Bypass Pipes and exhaust
iPad Mini Dash Install
DEPO Tail Lights
12-22-2014, 09:13 AM
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So mean LOL
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-23-2014, 03:13 AM
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AD - Pricing for members released
'97 Boxster base model 2.5L, Guards Red/Tan leather, with a new but old Alpine am/fm radio.
12-23-2014, 03:27 AM
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Wicked cool Nine! Now I just have to figure out what colour would work best on my Arctic Silver.
As to hooking it up - I'm no electronic whiz...what's the difficulty scale on getting this installed do you think?
2011 Boxster 987.2 Arctic silver / Black leather, PDK with Sports Chrono Package Plus
12-23-2014, 04:07 AM
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Looks really great!!!
2000 Boxster S, 6 speed, Sport Package, Litronics, LED tail lights, LNE IMS-B, OBC, Skybreaker wind deflector, Arctic Silver/Graphite Grey
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