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Old 02-03-2012, 10:55 PM   #1
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Installing spark plug tubes

I have been helped by many of the postings of others on this who found some trick to make a job a little easier. Yesterday, I tackled changing my spark plugs, tubes, and o-rings - for the first time.

I was dreading doing the passenger side plug located closest to the cabin as many had reported hassles with that one. I saved it until last using the reasoning that by the time I got to that one, I'd have a fair sense of ability from working on the "easy" ones.

Surprisingly, I was able to access that location more easily than I had imagined. However, the entire time I was thinking "How am I going to apply enough pressure to the tube to seat it properly?" On the other five, I was able to use the butt end of a hammer with a wooden handle to press the tube home. However, on the plug in question, there was no way to get any such tool into position and then to apply force necessary to seat the tube.

While contemplating this, I discovered that the Porsche tire lug socket is exactly the right diameter to fit into the spark plug tube; it widens slightly preventing it from continuing into the tube by more than about an inch. Additionally, the socket, being about 6 - 8" long fits into the small space between the block and the exterior of the body.

By placing the lug socket into the tube and holding it with my left hand, I was able to place a hammer handle between the other end of the lug socket and the inside "wall" of the body, give a slight amount of leverage, and bingo, the plug tube was seated.

Also, I have to give a huge thanks to whoever came up with the idea of using a transom plug to pull out the tubes. I would have NEVER thought of that idea, yet it is so simple and works like a charm.

All the best, Jim

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Old 02-05-2012, 11:15 AM   #2
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When i did this job i used a set of pliers to pull and put back the spark plugs. I wrapped the pliers in work shop paper and stuck them in the tubes. I rotated them and they sliped right out. I did the same thing to put them back in just that I applied pressure and rotation at the same time to get them to set. I also applied a bit of fresh oil on the seals to ease putting them back. Before putting the spark plugs back I put the coils on and tightened them as much as possible and let it sit for a bit. This ensured that the tubes were seated properly. I found this quit easy except when the plugs have to be put back in. which is horrible. Not enough space, located in a hard to reach area, overall uncomfortable. And Ya let me find the pictures that i took and I will upload them.
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Old 02-05-2012, 01:40 PM   #3
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a little lithium grease on the o-rings and the tubes went in with just finger pressure.

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Old 02-05-2012, 04:20 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by Bmod986 View Post
When i did this job i used a set of pliers to pull and put back the spark plugs.
I tried the pliers trick and ended up cracking my first tube. 13 year old plastic that's subjected to quite a few heat cycles sure weakens itself up a bit! And the biggest problem if you crack a tube, the plastic bits can drop off into the crankcase. Luckily, the bits that broke off appeared to "complete the puzzle" so I'm confident I got all the bits of plastic and there's nothing left in the crankcase.

So, immediately went to Bass Pro and bought a $1.49 transom plug. The cracked tube, and the remaining 5, came out without a single problem! Should have just spent the $1.49 to begin with, instead of trying to be cheap.

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