Ok, this will be a short one, but i hope it helps somebody who is thinking of doing this job.
First raise the spoiler to the top position. Remove the 3 small plastic clips that is at the top of the spoiler. Then i recomend you to remove the tail lights to get easyer acsess to remove and fit the rear bumper later. Look down at the spoiler after you have taken the top of. You will see 2 screws. Remove these, and lift out the spoiler. Now you have acsess to 3 more screws that attach the bumper to the car. Look underneath the bumperetts to remove bolts under them. Remove these. look underneath the bumper to find several screws to remove. Also one on each side innside the wheel arches. Now you can remove the bumper. Remember to pull out the contact for the liscens plate lights. Now it should look like this.
Now the bumperetts brackets. They are attached with 3 bolts. 2 on the upperside and 1 underneath. These have to drilled out. We used a sander tool to sand the top flat, then drilled.
Take the bumper off and find a way to fill the holes.
Put the bumper back on and enjoy your new look from this:
To this! New tail lights and a normal size numberplate.