As some might recall from an older post my crappy radio died a few weeks ago. My car is parked about a 16 hour drive from the only Porsche dealer in Colombia. When I bought the car I was told they would fly out to fix it if it broke, but I had my doubts. Well, a couple weeks ago they did in fact send out their technician to fix the radio and give the car a look over. The radio turned out to be dead, so he flew back to Bogota with it. Early this week he flew back and replaced it. I am in a different city this month so I have not seen the car and do not know if it is a brand new radio or the same radio but fixed. Both flights were on Porches dime. On one hand I am a little pissed that the radio would break being less than a year old, but I am glad they fixed as fast as they did. I am going to have the car shipped to where I am in maybe a week. The irony is I do not like the factory radio and will be replacing it soon.