Its easy.. you can do it. 8 mm hex for the drain plug, a filter wrench, a LARGE capacity drain recepticle (10 qts minimun) and more time going to the store for the oil and filter than spent on the actual oil change. Half hour tops, even for your first time. You don't even need to jack up the car to do it... granted it can be a little tight if you're an xxl but it can be done.
If you ARE going to jack up the car.. please, please, use jack stands. They're available almost everywhere (Sears, most auto parts stores, Cumins tools, etc etc, for cheap, but more than worth the 30 bucks or less you'll spend on them).
The oil/filter change is a piece of cake and no boxster owner should NOT do it! so there! Like was said'll bond with your car.
Boxster grime under the fingernails is a good thing.