Yes, I have been watching some other headers on E-bay. unklekraker is correct though. I decided against "Thanks Daddy", just didnt fit. It was a tough decision but some others Im considering are:
"Scared of RMS"
"Gonna blow"
"Spontanious explosions please stand back"
"Will explode any second"
"Wish I had a turbo"
"Supercharger doesnt compare to turbos because they are using them on Mini's"
"Dirty underware maker"
"Respect the mullet"
"Maintenance is a must"
"White smoke on start up"
"Need four 02's"
"Uses MAFS on a regular basis"
"Eats tires"
"Yeah its a chicks car but Im twice as big as you and if you say anything I will kick the **************** out of you"
"Wish I had a tip"
"Im not a pilot"
"Moms car"
The list goes on and on..........
2002 TT