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Old 03-21-2021, 07:26 PM   #1
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Unthinkable oil proposal

So the snow has melted and we have a few nice days. I put the insurance back on the boxster fired it up and took it for a nice drive . Man I forgot how well this handled after a few months without. I put just over 2000 miles last season with no place to go due to the pandemic. Normally I get about 5000 in a summer. I changed the oil last spring with Mobil 1. Do I really need to change it again with just 2000 miles on that last change. Yes it’s been in there a year. I’ve read articles written by oil engineers that claim you can go 3 years without worrying about it. I know the ims thing. Just thought I would ask the community. You pull the stick and it looks like I just put it in there.

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Old 03-22-2021, 01:59 AM   #2
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The owner's manual says 15.000 miles or every 2 years. But, hey, what do they know.
I agree 15K is too much, but between there and every year or 5K is a big difference.
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Old 03-22-2021, 04:18 AM   #3
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MrBen, I'm in the same boat as you. I put in maybe 2000 miles last year. I chose to change mine. I've read that oil becomes acidic after some time, but I guess that applies more to conventional, not so much synthetic. There's also blow-by that contaminates the oil, but with 2000 miles, I don't think that's a big deal. Question is, even with minimal blow-by contamination, what does that do to the oil after sitting for so many months?

For me, changing the oil once a year regardless of the low miles is not a big deal.

You're most likely perfectly fine not changing it. I guess in this situation it all comes down to personal preference.
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Last edited by piper6909; 03-22-2021 at 04:24 AM.
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Old 03-22-2021, 05:09 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by MrBen View Post
So the snow has melted and we have a few nice days. I put the insurance back on the boxster fired it up and took it for a nice drive . Man I forgot how well this handled after a few months without. I put just over 2000 miles last season with no place to go due to the pandemic. Normally I get about 5000 in a summer. I changed the oil last spring with Mobil 1. Do I really need to change it again with just 2000 miles on that last change. Yes it’s been in there a year. I’ve read articles written by oil engineers that claim you can go 3 years without worrying about it. I know the ims thing. Just thought I would ask the community. You pull the stick and it looks like I just put it in there.
You should be changing it before you put it away for the winter; one of the worst things you can do is leave dirty oil in a car in storage.
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Old 03-22-2021, 05:10 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by piper6909 View Post
MrBen, I'm in the same boat as you. I put in maybe 2000 miles last year. I chose to change mine. I've read that oil becomes acidic after some time, but I guess that applies more to conventional, not so much synthetic. There's also blow-by that contaminates the oil, but with 2000 miles, I don't think that's a big deal. Question is, even with minimal blow-by contamination, what does that do to the oil after sitting for so many months?

For me, changing the oil once a year regardless of the low miles is not a big deal.

You're most likely perfectly fine not changing it. I guess in this situation it all comes down to personal preference.
The oil collects both fuel and water, which if left to sit can create acidic compounds in the oil, breaking down the oil and attacking the metal surfaces.
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Old 03-22-2021, 05:31 AM   #6
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Fresh oil is the cheapest insurance you can get for your engine. And if you DIY it is a great time to check other things under there like brakes & suspension after a summer of driving. Change it once a year before you put it to bed in the fall and she is ready for another driving season when spring comes.
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Old 03-22-2021, 05:45 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by JFP in PA View Post
You should be changing it before you put it away for the winter; one of the worst things you can do is leave dirty oil in a car in storage.
I've less than 1000 miles on my 98 that hasn't been started in 5 months (pending transmission repair). Would you recommend an oil change after the repair? Also... should I be concerned about the first start after that period? Should I pull the fuse so the car doesn't start... just to build up some oil pressure... get things "wet" before that first after five month start?

Thank you, JFP.
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Old 03-22-2021, 05:57 AM   #8
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Old 03-22-2021, 06:07 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by paulofto View Post
Fresh oil is the cheapest insurance you can get for your engine. And if you DIY it is a great time to check other things under there like brakes & suspension after a summer of driving. Change it once a year before you put it to bed in the fall and she is ready for another driving season when spring comes.
100%. An annual oil change is cheap and easy. I don't understand the rationale of not changing it.
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Old 03-22-2021, 11:30 AM   #10
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....Change your oil every six months, without fail, no matter what.
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Old 03-22-2021, 07:37 PM   #11
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I have a Harley as well same situation less miles. I get the same advice. I also have a Ranger tug. The Ranger has 120 hours on the Diesel engine so it for sure should get an oil change. Oddly enough in the boating world it’s more exceptible to change the fluids in the spring. What about the John Deere tractor. Rzr. I question the idea that the oil can sit in the jug indefinitely but once you unscrew the cap and dump it in the sump it has a limited life expectancy. I guess I should take a week right after South Dakota pheasant hunting buy a few cases of oil and knock them all out at once there’s a few more I haven’t mentioned
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Old 03-23-2021, 02:41 AM   #12
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To the OP why not send off an oil sample for analysis ? We car owners have lots of opinions on oil , why not let an oil analysis be the referee ? Just my opinion but no one regardless of their expertise can just look at oil on the end of a dipstick and make an educated decision on change or don't change . Unless the oil is pitch black .

I am NOT challenging anyone's advice that has been given , just suggesting that let an oil scientist inspect your oil sample and give feedback on that analysis . What do you have to lose ?
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Old 03-23-2021, 03:50 AM   #13
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Oil analysis?!?!?!

In the time and expense of getting a used oil analysis, you can replace your old oil and filter.

Don’t over think it.

Oil just sitting in the sump, with the car never started, collects water from condensation every morning. It’s not that the oil itself goes bad, it’s that it collects water and will creat sludge and corrosion.

Just change your oil. You bought a car, cars are mechanical devices and they require basic maintenance.

Just change it and get busy living.
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Old 03-23-2021, 04:33 AM   #14
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I didn't realize oil analysis was a way off suggestion . The OP obviously is questioning if he should throw away possibly good oil . The only way to know that I am aware of is oil analysis .

We have been programmed via excellent oil company marketing that oil should be changed every 3K . Oil analysis many times say's the oil and additive package can go a lot longer . It is just a data point to help make a decision .

Or as others have suggested just change it and be done . Freedom of choice does exist 😊
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Old 03-23-2021, 09:51 AM   #15
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Freedom of choice....

.....is indeed a beautiful thing.

But not changing your oil every six months is far from beautiful.

You invested in a nice car. Spend the money and time to just change the oil every six months.

It’s not some big oil company conspiracy.

It’s science.

Like I posted, it’s not a matter of the oil itself “going bad”, it’s a matter of water condensation in the sump over time contaminating the oil.

Just change your oil.

Would you change the oil in your Learjet before flying across the ocean after she sat in the hanger all winter?

I’m done now.

Good luck.
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Old 03-23-2021, 01:04 PM   #16
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Every 3K miles for me - since COVID I am only driving weekly. It's been a year so I am actually changing oil this Friday.
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Old 03-23-2021, 02:43 PM   #17
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I left the oil for 14 months in my Audi after driving it 3K miles not driven much. After a year with fewer than 5K miles, I changed it and looked brownish. It is a turbo and I use 100% synthetic. I wil never go over 1 year without changing the oil regardless of mileage. I drive my P car less than 2K miles/year and always change the oil 100% synthetic M1 0-40W before storage--6 months in storage.
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Old 03-23-2021, 06:45 PM   #18
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Change oil based on age; change filter based on mileage. Thats my $.02.

2k miles that filter hasn't filtered anything, but the oil has degraded some.

I change the oil on my bike every year before winter storage regardless of mileage. And then I change it after about 1000 miles of ride time in the spring. I change the filter on the bike every 4000 miles (Honda recommended interval). All my other engines (except the lawnmower) get run year round. I guess that puts me in the change the oil side of the argument.
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Old 03-24-2021, 04:45 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by 10/10ths View Post
.....is indeed a beautiful thing.

But not changing your oil every six months is far from beautiful.

You invested in a nice car. Spend the money and time to just change the oil every six months.

It’s not some big oil company conspiracy.

It’s science.

Like I posted, it’s not a matter of the oil itself “going bad”, it’s a matter of water condensation in the sump over time contaminating the oil.

Just change your oil.

Would you change the oil in your Learjet before flying across the ocean after she sat in the hanger all winter?

I’m done now.

Good luck.
Total nonsense. Every 6 months is a waste of good oil and good money. Do a uoa after 6 months and you'll see your oil is fine. On cars i dont drive much, i do roughly 18 months or 5000 miles, whatever comes first
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Old 03-26-2021, 04:03 AM   #20
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....As I posted, twice already, it’s not that the oil itself “goes bad”, it’s that the oil sump fills with water from condensation and the fuel that gets by the piston rings.

The contaminants collect in the sump.

Just sitting in there, corrosion occurs and your oil will not be as good a lubricant because it won’t just be oil that is being pumped throughout your engine on startup.

And for crying out loud, if you invested in a sports car, you made a commitment to owning a complex piece of machinery, and that requires maintenance. And that costs money.

So suck it up, and drop a $100 on an oil change.

I’m sorry, but if $100 every six months is “wasting money”, then you should not have invested in the car in the first place.

Ride a bicycle.

And lube the bike chain.

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