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Old 03-26-2021, 04:03 AM   #20
"50 Years of 550 Spyder"
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....As I posted, twice already, it’s not that the oil itself “goes bad”, it’s that the oil sump fills with water from condensation and the fuel that gets by the piston rings.

The contaminants collect in the sump.

Just sitting in there, corrosion occurs and your oil will not be as good a lubricant because it won’t just be oil that is being pumped throughout your engine on startup.

And for crying out loud, if you invested in a sports car, you made a commitment to owning a complex piece of machinery, and that requires maintenance. And that costs money.

So suck it up, and drop a $100 on an oil change.

I’m sorry, but if $100 every six months is “wasting money”, then you should not have invested in the car in the first place.

Ride a bicycle.

And lube the bike chain.
550 SE #310---"It's more fun to drive a slow car fast, than a fast car slow."
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