Help! No start, roof, window problems
Hi guys,
Hope everyone is staying safe. Need some help diagnosing.
Went to change starter today as I am geting whirling sound when starting car. Attempted to put top in service position. Unlatched, windows went down as normal. Pressed button for top and it started but motor stopped. Top did not move. Re-latched and attempted multiple times with no success.
Placed the windows to normal full up position. Tried working top again. This time, the windows started to go down 1/4 inch at a time until the full 2 inches. No luck with top. Attempted to start car. No luck. Checked battery, lights, etc. looks fine but also looks like battery bad. Checked voltage at about 11.8 volts. Need new battery? I’ve had it hooked up to a trickle charger since shelter in place. Not sure why battery would affect top operation.
Any insight appreciated!