Thought I'd post one of the easiest fixes I've done.
My front cooling fans did not work on low speed when you clicked on the AC.
I've not used the AC, however my mechanic friend advised that the AC won't work with them malfunctioning because the condensers must have the fans working as well for correct temperature, etc.
Sounded like the resistors to me, so I went at it today and cut them out. Easy to get at, no need to remove wheels. By the looks of them, they've seen better days.
I ordered some new heavy duty ones from Mouser, 100W, .50 ohms.
Soldered in green/white to white on one end, green only to the other.
Zip-tied them to the back of the fan to keep cool airflow on them (resistors get quite warm) and...presto!
Fans work, AC works.
Total cost...$38 CAN$.
Gotta love it when a plan comes together.
That is all.