I have what looks like pieces of dark foam blowing out of my a/c vents. Any ideas what it might be as well as a remedy?
Thanks in advance for your help.
It's the foam layer from a heater/AC door flap in the climate control system.
Best to search the forums and internet for a fix; not always easy to do. It will eventually affect the performance of the heat directed into the cabin during the winter and the A/C in the summer.
Of course, you could just use tweezers or a shop vac to remove the bits when they appear, and live with it. Worked for me for years.
YES to the tweezers...lol.....been doing that for years. Get the system nice and hot, select only the upper vents and adjust the blower motor to it's highest setting and after a min or two use the tweezers and a flashlight and start the "harvesting"...lol.
Every once in awhile, while driving. a little piece will come flying out....no big deal and certainly not worth the time, effort and expense to fix. Most of the time my top is down and the blower is low and I notice nothing....LOL