Haven't posted for awhile, the car has been parked since June when suddenly the engine started sounding like a washing machine when it's agitating the clothes, chug, swish, chug, swish, chug, swish. Gonna have that fixed, whatever it is, and at the same time want to do the clutch and IMS, but ya know, the clutch on my '01 S has always bothered me because it's so on/off, in other words, it seems like there's only a quarter-inch of pedal lift between being not-engaged and engaged. It can't be just that the clutch is simply worn, it's felt this way to me for the whole 50,000 miles I've owned it.
I'm soliciting ideas on how I can increase the amount of feel to engaging the clutch. Change that quarter-inch to an inch-and-a-half. Should I install a stronger clutch? A particular brand? Or are worn clutch hydraulics what is making the clutch feel like a light switch? I flush the brake fluid every two years, but it's true that I've never been able to flush/replace the clutch fluid. TIA.