Just replaced my plugs and coils (98 Boxster). It's been a year and ~7,000 miles (at 21,550 today), and I didn't know when last they were replaced. Took me ~2.5 hours, first time, exercising pragmatism and diligence. I believed the entire process to be a breeze... thanks to watching many vids. That said...
Upon inspection, the plugs looked great... the electrode tips anyhow. There was some discoloration around the ceramic. Zero oil. The tubes looked great, so I left them in.
The coils, based upon a careful examination... and myself schooled from watching a lot of coil replacement vids coupled with a fair amount of reading... look great. No cracks anywhere. A fair amount of gunk/oil on them... but I bet wih a good cleaning they'd shine up just nice. I was throwing no codes... but decided to get some of the spring preparation started (SoCal) and, while I was replacing the plugs reasoned... while I'm in there. That said...
I've six (6) coils in the event someone needs one... two... all of them... the part number is:
BERU 996 602 102 00
Each coil comes with the two allen wrench bolts, and in the box in which the new one came.
If anyone needs one... howevermany... save the ~$15+ each for a used coil (eBay). PM me your zip... how many you need... and I'll calcuguesstimate postage. First come. First served.
Now... I know you're saying to yourself, "This cat is generous. First he's gifting free wellnuts, and now free coils. I think I'll send him my black (or red) 3-spoke airbag that's just laying around. I know if I send him that gift, Karma will reward me a hundred-fold".
If that's what you're saying to yourself, you'd be correct. Why, by virtue of gifting the wellnuts I've seen my state of health improve ten-fold. Surely my gifting the coils will reward me with a renewed sense of sexual vitality, at least a five or six-fold improvement. So, surely you can recognize the rewards associated with the gift of an airbag.