Wanted to share success installing a brand new Android head unit into my 2001 Boxter S. I am very happy with the results.
First I did the usual sound system upgrades. I installed rear speakers in the back shelf using the kit from eBay and 3.5" pioneer speakers from Amazon. Then I swapped in a used six-channel amp from a wrecked 911 Cabriolet that I bought on ebay so I had full sound to all speakers.
I removed the useless cup holder and the CD storage in the main console. I replace the CD storage with a cubby. Removing the cup holder and the factory head unit left me with a double-din opening.
The Android head unit I chose was from Joying. They have good support and this is their newest unit based on Android 8.0. It basically acts almost exactly like an android tablet, with the addition of a radio. For Internet, it connects either to my phone's hotspot, or to my home wifi or work wifi or any other wifi hotspot.
The unit installs with the standard after-market adapters and harnesses for double-din radios for the 986. There is a little bit of filing required to get the joying unit to fit perfectly in the double-din dash adapter, and then a little bit of cutting of the dash opening to get the double-din adapter to fit into it. But not a big deal - about 30 minutes of careful trimming all together.
It turned out great. It's all touchscreen, and now I have several thousand audio files on a USB stick, plus Google maps, Waze, Torque, Bluetooth and internet streaming music and any other apps you can think of that runs on an android phone. I've even done a video conference from the car! You can stream video if you so desire. Or you can go old school and listen to the radio. The phone also works pretty well, though people can't hear me perfectly with the top down at freeway speeds. I might install a backup camera, but the Boxster is so small I don't really think I need it. The unit also supports a DVR app with a front-facing camera for continuous recording of traffic in front of you.
Happy to answer any questions - this was a worthy upgrade.