i replaced the black gauge faces with a set of silver ones i got from woody and now i ran into a minor inconvenience. note i just replaced the "faces" not the entire assembly, basically taking it out, removing the needles, putting the silver faces and putting the needles and everything else back together.
i used Randall's guide which was very helpful!
How to Swap your gauge faces
after i had everything back in i did my best to set the needles to the correct position and after a lot of fuss i got them to indicate correctly BUT now every time i turn the key in i have the fuel needle bouncing downwards for a few seconds like it's trying to find it's lowest position then finally bounces to show the correct level.
if you look closely at the video you'll see what i mean:
while it's doing that, even if i turn the car on no needles move (like the one for revs) until the fuel one does its "thing". once that phase is done everything bounces back and works.
any idea what's going on? do i need to reset something? i disconnected the battery a few times but didnt help. did i break something when moving them around?
one thing i did mess up is i didnt disconnect the battery so when i hooked the gauge cluster back on for the first time ALL needles went wacky like this one but i was able to sort them out by putting them in the right position.
other than this the gauges work fine.