My passenger side window regulator started to get slow and you could tell the window regulator was starting to fail so I replaced it a few weeks ago. I had the car sitting outside this week when a rain storm came through and of course I came home to find a steady drip at the top of the window on the passenger side. Luckily caught it in time as water would have eventually built up in the floor board and done some damage. I had a feeling the window was not traveling up far enough into the roof seal so I decided to take the door panel off and see if adjustments to the window needed to be made. I have read plenty about the micro switch on the door handle failing and the window refusing to drop. The problem I am seeing is that the window still drops, but IMO it does not drop enough (maybe 1/8" inch) when compared to the driver side. Is it possible for the switch to fail somewhere in the middle where this would happen or is it all or nothing? I also have an issue where the window was traveling down too far into the door when rolled down all the way so that the top of the window bumps off the door skin (audibly) when the door are closed instead of resting in the window seal just below the top of the door? Is there an adjustment for this? I have adjusted the fine height adjustment of the window with the torx screws at the bottom of the regulator but they do not seem to have anything to do with the window traveling too far down.