Having an issue with my wife's 01 Boxster tiptronic...
Couple of weeks ago my wife starts noticing a little clanking in the right rear. But only after driving it 30 min, and very infrequent. 2 weeks later she hears it all the time but still only after driving 30 min. I drove it for a while and didn't notice anything. Last week she shows me that now it constantly happening. She took me for a ride and I noticed it right away. My first thought was loose brake pads.
So this weekend I put the car on jack stands and put it in gear and heard...... nothing. I let the car warm up for over an hour but still nothing. One thing I did notice was the right axle was going "in and out" as it spins, while the left is solid. I'm assuming this is the problem and the reason I can't hear anything is because there is no load.
One thing I did notice was a very slight knock in the transmission. But I only noticed it with a screwdriver to the ear.
So do I have a bad CV Axle?