Ok, not going to hijack Timco's thread, BUT SERIOUSLY!!! So last week I had time to do some disassembly and attempt to track down the dreaded SAI 0410 and 1411 codes. Found the vacuum reservoir was not able to hold vacuum, I put it back together and ordered the part. Drove the car Friday and Saturday without issue, but Sunday I noticed down shifts from 3rd to 2nd were taking and excessively long time (this is a Tiptronic, I always drive in manual mode). I connected the Durametric tonight to see if there were any codes, none from the Tip but also checked the engine codes and found P1128 and P1130, so a search ensued... After reading a few of the posts I realized during my SAI investigation I also had found an unusuall amount of oil in the intake, especially surprising after just changing the AOS in August, it was cleaner then than it is now. Tonight I tried the oil cap off test, the car will hardly run/idle with it off. I guess all this (still not sure about the shifting issue) points to some major vacuum issue?

Where to begin?