Hi all,
Proud owner of a 987 from China here. I just ordered a pink color cast wrapping from Hexis and will post some pics when its done. It's going to look great!
I bought the car with roughly 30000 miles on her, just had oil and spark plugs changed 500 miles ago and this evening when I started her up, the CEL came on (solid not flashing) and engine was rattling. So I turned the ignition off and back on and rev up to 5000rpm and the rattle was gone. Drove it for another 50miles without a problem. But this isnt the first time the CEL came on. So I used a code reader and here's what I got:
Fault Number: P0421
Description: Unknown fault code: 421
Repair Infomation: Unknown fault code
dtcCount = 5
Fault Number: P0431
Description: Unknown fault code: 431
Repair Infomation: Unknown fault code
dtcCount = 5
Fault Number: P0202
Description: Fuel injector, Cylinder 2
Repair Infomation: Open circuit
dtcCount = 5
Fault Number: P0300
Description: Factory Fault Code 507 - Misfire detection
Repair Infomation: Sum total
dtcCount = 5
Fault Number: P0302
Description: Factory Fault Code 509 - Misfire, cylinder 2
Anybody has an idea what these mean? I remember last time there was another fault code regarding MAF but it didn't show up this time. I cleared the codes and it lasted for a week and now this.
Thanks a lot!