Don't feel badly for me :ah:. We all make choices. I drove into LA yesterday and the 3 big traffic jams I had to wait in were horrible, plus gas prices are ridiculous ($1.00 more per gallon than where I live)! I may only drive my Boxster 9-10 months of the year, but I have to cram the 3 months it's stored into the fun I have during the other 9

. Plus I have curvey mountain and canyon roads (without traffic), mountain biking, cross country skiing, downhill skiing, hiking, backpacking, sailing, fishing, hunting and mountain climbing anywhere from right out my back door to 1/2 hour away. No traffic jams, no pollution, no crime, (we rarely lock our doors) and gas for a lot less money to boot (I can even get ethanol-free). And I don't feel badly for you, because I don't want anyone else to move here

. Oh yes, and I got the Boxster out of storage last week and had a blast :dance:!