Well I just back from the delearship and its a surprisingly decent car for the price.. I think I made a mistake by bringing the boxster to the delearship as I pulled up everybody was staring.. kinda strange

Well they are all sold out of 2005 but the new 2006 have the same deal and a few better features. The deal basically worked out to no money down and 150 canadian a month for 60 months at 0.03% (basically 0) financing. I haven't pulled the trigger yet.
The thing for me is that this car is basically maintenance free for 5 years as there bumber to bumper warranty will cover everything, so all i have to do is scheduled maintenance.
If I buy used (I wont get 0% financing) which is no biggy but if they are lending money for free why not take it as their money will be worth 15% less at the end of the term (accounting 3% inflation per year)
A used car will require repairs and replacement of certain components, be they brakes, tires or when somthing breaks, so it adds probably 1000 bux a year in repair costs, which is only 500 dollars below the yearly cost for the Accent..
I donno... I hate buying a crappy car as its hard to pull the trigger... but I know I need a crappy car.